2017 Recipients: Jane Sommerville and George Thaw Moo

Jane and George have been called “the most active parent advocates in St. Paul Public Schools that I have ever seen”. As parents of Karen SLIFE students, Jane and George have been unyielding in their advocacy for the needs of SLIFE kids in St. Paul. George co-chairs the St. Paul KPAC (Karen Parent Advisory Council), a group that is actively advocating for Karen students in the school district by educating teachers and district administration about Karen culture, language, and educational needs. Jane is the sole parent on the MN Department of Education ELSIG (English Learner Stakeholder Input Group), where she provides parent perspective and continually gives voice to the needs of SLIFE kids. She attends countless district meetings, from School Board Public Comment, to School Board Member town halls, Parent Teacher Association meetings, English Learner’s Professional Issues Committee meetings, and many others, and is an outspoken voice demanding adequate EL resources and programming. Jane and George are on the forefront of the struggle to meet the educational needs of SLIFE students in St. Paul. They embody the vision and mission of MinneTESOL work, and they deserve our recognition and gratitude.

Past Newsletters
Matthew Delaini The gap between a teacher’s desire for classroom engagement and a student’s motivation can sometimes lead to a frustrating struggle for control in the classroom. Understanding what is…

Miranda Schornack, Michelle Benegas, & Amy O. Stolpestad This article examines an assignment common in ESL methods courses—the English learner case study (or learner profile)—for dispositional development and explores how…

Jen Vanek The COVID-19 pandemic has forced adult basic skills and ESOL programs to offer instruction at a distance. The uncertainty of the future means programs must rethink sustainable alternatives…

Ofelia García The “pause” offered during the coronavirus pandemic permits me to reflect on principles about language, children’s bilingualism, and their education long considered mainstream. I propose that this is…

Tags: Mary Diaz

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