Nominations are now open for two annual awards.
Award nominees must be a current member of MinneTESOL.
Nominations will be considered by a committee of MinneTESOL Interest Section and Standing Committee Leaders, under the leadership of the First Vice-President. The selection committee welcomes nominations of a diverse group of candidates in terms of teaching context, geography, background, and experience.
Awards include:
Awards recipients and their nominating parties will be notified by early November, and awards will be presented to the winners at the annual business meeting during Friday morning of this year’s MELEd conference, November 17, 2023. Winners will receive registration to the conference and a show of recognition.
Please fill out the form below to submit your award nominations by November 3, 2023.
You may submit nominations for one or both awards. If you are ONLY submitting for one award, write in “N/A” in response to all other questions marked as required.
Thank you in advance for nominating your inspiring colleagues!
For more information MELEd 2023
Please direct your questions to the conference co-chairs:
Amy Young (
Patti Lagos (
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