Interest Sections & Standing Committees

MinneTESOL Interest Section & Standing Committee Leaders 2016

Elementary IS leaders
Elementary IS leaders plan the year’s activities.

Elementary Interest Section

Rebeca Bauer: [email protected]
Kate McNulty: [email protected]
Melanie Pesarchick: [email protected]
Yvette Scanlon: [email protected]
Diane Stevens: [email protected]

Middle/Secondary Interest Section
Krista Schweppe: [email protected]

Adult Interest Section

John Ashby: [email protected]
Erin Cary: [email protected]
Rachel Schmitt: [email protected]

College Interest Section

Leah Kronick: [email protected]
Bethany Peters: [email protected]

Teacher Education

John Madden: [email protected]
Allison Spenader:


Retired Teachers

Tina Edstam: [email protected]
Deidre Kramer: [email protected]



Standing Committees


James Bordewick: [email protected]
Kelly Frankenfield: [email protected]
Pam Mercier: [email protected]
Aaron Cuthbert: [email protected]


Susan Ranney [email protected]
Leah Soderlund: [email protected]

MinneTESOL Journal

Anne Dahlman: [email protected]
Kim Johnson: [email protected]

Past Newsletters
Matthew Delaini The gap between a teacher’s desire for classroom engagement and a student’s motivation can sometimes lead to a frustrating struggle for control in the classroom. Understanding what is…

Miranda Schornack, Michelle Benegas, & Amy O. Stolpestad This article examines an assignment common in ESL methods courses—the English learner case study (or learner profile)—for dispositional development and explores how…

Jen Vanek The COVID-19 pandemic has forced adult basic skills and ESOL programs to offer instruction at a distance. The uncertainty of the future means programs must rethink sustainable alternatives…

Ofelia García The “pause” offered during the coronavirus pandemic permits me to reflect on principles about language, children’s bilingualism, and their education long considered mainstream. I propose that this is…

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