This contest is open to anyone in the state of Minnesota who is currently an English Language Learner, kindergarten through post-secondary, including adult learners.
The poster must
- reflect the theme: “Language: A Thread that Weaves Us Together.”
- be 11” X 17” in size.
- have written on the poster:
ESL/Bilingual Awareness,
Language: A Thread that Weaves Us Together
Student’s Name
A completed Poster Contest Entry Form must also be included with the poster or it will be disqualified.
1) Full color–the brighter the better
2) Any medium–markers, crayons, paint, colored pencils
3) Picture should relate to the theme
4) Creativity is important
5) Teachers: please send only your best entries
Grand prize is $50. The winning poster will be the official poster of ELL/Bilingual Awareness for 2010-2011. The poster will become the property of MinneTESOL. It will be reproduced and used for promotional purposes for ESL/Bilingual Awareness.
First prizes:
1) Grades K-3: $25.00
2) Grades 4-6: $25.00
3) Grades 7-12: $25.00
4) Post-secondary and adult: $25.00
Send entries to: Laura Funke
740 Water Court
Cannon Falls, MN 55009
DEADLINE: Entries must be postmarked by October 15, 2010.
Posters will be displayed and winners and their teachers will be announced at the MinneTESOL Conference, November 6, 2010.
Note: If you would like the poster returned to you, you must include a self-addressed envelope, stamped with sufficient postage.
Questions: Please contact Laura Funke [email protected] or 507-263-8253
[/donotprint] [print_link]POSTER CONTEST ENTRY FORM
Student’s Name _____________________________________
Phone _____________________________
School or ELL Program _______________________________
Grade __________ Age ___________
First Language _________________
Country of Birth ____________
Length of time in U.S.____________________
Length of time studying English____________
Teacher’s name, address, phone #