Congratulations Sam Ouk
Congratulations to MinneTESOL member Sam Ouk who is doing a Best of Affiliates Presentation at TESOL. His “After the Killing Fields (Refugee Simulation)” presentation was voted the Best Presentation at MELEd 2021 and was accepted as one of the few Best of Affiliates presentations at TESOL. Sam’s session is Wednesday, 22 March, 1:00-1:45 in A103/104 at the Oregon Convention Center.
Congratulations Darren LaScotte and Elaine Tarone
Congratulations to MinneTESOL members Darren LaScotte and Elaine Tarone, who won the 2023 TESOL Award for Excellence in Research for their paper “Channeling voices to improve L2 English intelligibility” Modern Language Journal 106(4): 744-763. As part of the award, Darren will be the featured keynote speaker at the TESOL Graduate Student Forum luncheon on Tuesday, March 21 and he will be giving a featured ‘TESOL in Focus’ session on Wednesday, March 22, 10:00-10:45 AM in B114 at the Oregon Convention Center.
MinneTESOL journal featured article
Aliza Fones presents a framework for administrator support of English language learner teachers and programs called CRAFT: Collaboration, Responsiveness, Awareness, Framing, and Trust. CRAFT provides guidance for administrators to address the changing policies regarding English language education in her article, “Facing change: A framework for administrator support of English language learner programs.”
Find these and all other articles in the current issue of the MinneTESOL Journal.
MinneTESOL Journal call for papers
Now is your chance to publish an article in the upcoming MinneTESOL Journal, a practitioner academic online journal. See Writing for the MinneTESOL Journal for more information.
Journal submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.
Email the senior editors to learn more about submitting work:
Getting to know the Executive Board
Name: Qurina Slayhi
Position at MinneTESOL: First Vice President
Teaching context: I currently support ML elementary teachers and previously worked as an ML teacher at the secondary level.
Why you got into ESL: I pursued a career in education because I love working with youth. Growing up in Minnesota, I never had a Muslim teacher and I always wanted to see someone like me at the front of the classroom, which made me feel like becoming a teacher was a key part of my future. I choose to pursue a TESOL degree specifically because of my family. When I was in middle school, I would help my dadthi ma (grandmother) work on her English after she arrived in the United States. It was fun to see her progress and to learn Urdu from her in the process.
Current project: Preparing to present at the MCTM conference in Duluth.
MELEd 2023: Call for Proposals is Out
MinneTESOL and the Minnesota Department of Education invite you to submit your proposals related to all aspects of English language and bilingual teaching and best practices for multilingual learners. Our 10th annual conference will be held November 16-18, 2023 at the Saint Paul Rivercentre.
While research proposals are always welcome, we encourage proposals offering practical tools or strategies for practice in:
- Early childhood education
- Elementary education
- Secondary education
- Adult Basic Education (ABE)
- Post Secondary Education
- Special populations (e.g. SLIFE, LTELS, RAELs, DLLs, etc.)
To submit a proposal, click on this form.
**Please note MinneTESOL First-Time Presenter Scholarship**
The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage people who have never presented at MELEd (or MinneTESOL) to present at the conference. If awarded, the scholarship this year will reimburse scholarship recipients for the cost of one day of conference attendance. Reimbursements will be issued after you attend the conference and give your presentation. MELEd First-Time Presenter Scholarship applications will be open in September.
Did you know?
Past MinneTESOL newsletters can be found on our website, at
We want to hear from you
We are always looking for information to share from our members. Please send newsletter submissions to