KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Kevin Lindsey & Dr. Michael Favor

Our Cultures, Our Assets

The United States is going through dramatic change that will not only fundamentally transform our nation’s racial and ethnic demographics for those alive today but also for the next two generations.  In 2025, 1 in 4 public school students will be an English Language Learner (EL). Presently, 10% of students, with more than 300 home languages, are EL students in Minnesota. As we approach this strategic inflection point in our society, educators and educational systems that can create new paradigms to see, value, and celebrate students are posed to not only be successful in Minnesota but also among the very best in the United States.

Join Minnesota Humanities Center CEO Kevin Lindsey, ISD 917 Superintendent Dr. Michael Favor, and a panel of past and current EL students for an engaging session on what is working well for EL students, what we can do together to improve EL education, and how EL can rightfully assume leadership in changing the landscape of education.

2023 Fall Conference
MEETING ROOM: Grand Ballroom
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