Keynote Speaker: Tan Huynh

Tan Huynh –  Creating the Conditions for Long-Term Success Tan Huynh will stay in the Grand Ballroom to answer your questions until 11:00

Let’s shift beyond the limits of the long-term English learner (LTEL) label and embrace a new way of honoring secondary multilinguals’ valuable life experiences and academic potential. By focusing on experienced multilinguals’ strengths and what teachers can do, we will create the conditions for long-term success. In this keynote, Tan will share the conditions where experienced multilinguals can thrive. While the examples will be from secondary schools, these conditions are applicable to elementary school MLs as well. The goal of this keynote is to affirm what participants are already doing to serve their MLs and to offer additional approaches.

2023 Fall Conference
MEETING ROOM: Grand Ballroom
Tags: Tan Huynh

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