Proposal #1


Title: M&Ms, Long Necks and Grammar: Content-Based Instruction


Audience: Elementary




This presentation offers two lessons integrating grammar and academic content as well as insight into the process of developing such lessons.  One lesson integrates grammar and 8th grade math; the other integrates grammar and 3rd grade science.  The presenters discuss how they created their lessons, beginning with academic content and related standards, and how they collaborated with the mainstream teachers on lesson development.





M&Ms, Long Necks and Grammar: Content-Based Instruction


Content-based instruction can be a very effective way to teach second language skills; however, integrating language skills, academic content and thinking skills is a challenging task which requires systematic planning. This presentation will offer two lessons integrating grammar and academic content as well as insight into the process of developing such lessons.

The first part of this presentation will offer a grammar and math lesson plan for 8th grade intermediate learners.  This lesson teaches verbs of probability (might, could, should) together with making predictions in activities such as what combination of colored M&Ms are in a bag. Next, a lesson integrating grammar and science for 3rd grade beginning learners will be presented. In this lesson students learn how to describe animal adaptations to their environment using correct subject verb agreement (e.g., A giraffe has a long neck).

In the second part, the presenters will discuss how they created their lessons, beginning with academic content and related standards, and how they collaborated with the mainstream teachers on lesson development. The presenters will also include practical suggestions for adapting the lessons for different grade and English proficiency levels.

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